Bus Nha Trang Hoi An:
The distance from Nha Trang to Hoi An is about 500 Km , it takes 10 hours 30 mins to get there.
Travelling by bus from Nha Trang to Hoi An, the cheapest and most convenient way of transportation for foreign travelers. There are many buses on this route from Nha Trang to Hoi An, this is a direct bus service from Nha Trang to Hoi An and from Hoi An to Nha Trang. It’s a tourist sleeper bus which makes the direct journey between the cities. The bus makes several stops for food and W.C on the way to Hoi An.
On Mui Ne Go you can look for a trip at a lot of different providers. We has contact with many good buses at the bus station, you will not have to worry about your belongings. We works with a lot of bus companies for years, so we always have available seats. Even you go on our holiday, as long as you let us know before 3 days (on holiday time).
Easy to purchase ticket, you can book online 1 day, 2 days or longer in advance if you travel during Vietnam holiday time.
USEFUL INFO Bus Nha Trang to Hoi An
Price include: mineral water, wet towel, Free wifi
Stops – The bus makes several stops for food and W.C.
Pick up point:10 Hung Vuong street, Nha Trang city
Drop off point:2 Thai Phien street, Hoi An city.
From Nha Trang to Hoi An
- Please submit your info and special request into form below
- Mui Ne Go staff will contact you shortly, When received your submit info
- After confirm with you, We will send the tickets to your email
This service has a strict cancellation policy – meaning it can’t be cancelled after you make payment for booking. Changes are possible up to 2 days in advance. We will not charge you if you change departure date, as long as we are informed 24 hours in advance by confirmation to you.
Please notice – availability is not updated online for this bus. If you’re booking less than 24 hours ahead we may not be able to confirm your reservation on time.